get a postgraduate in these times, at least in my opinion is something necessary, i'm currently studying the first year of my career and i really don't know what I'll do once I finish it, if I end up doing what I want now and mentioned earlier in an earlier blog, I will most likely continue my studies once I finish, for example in the university where I Am studying there are various alternatives to continue studying once the students are licenced some of these options that might get interested in would be food management, quality and safety, food science or nutrition and food. these are some of the specializations that could be serve or that I think could be useful when thinking about what would help me fulfill my dreams, I always want to create a product or participating in the creation of one, a product that is considered an important contribution to the solution of real problems like old problems like world famine or other new ones like global warming or even future problems like shortage of water that will come not very far around the world, for these problems are many possible solutions how, for example, to optimice the cultivation areas in creative ways,

or create a product with low production requirements but that has sufficient nutritional values to replace some important foods that are difficult to produce. But to make a contribution to these problems i need the knowledge necessary to devise real answers to these problems, and for that I suppose I need to continue studying first!
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